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CPCF Speaker Topics/Expertise 

Currently CPCF  offers these  very knowledgeable speakers who are happy to present their messages to churches in the Central PA area; Dr. Jeremy Walter,  Mr. Tim Eshelman, Rev. Glen Bayly, and Dr. John Cimbala.  Their presentation topics and/or speaking expertise is shown below. 


Speaker :

Jeremy L. Walter , PhD.



The Genesis Overview Series:

1. Genesis 1-11 – Part 1: The Text: What does it tell us?

  • Thinking foundationally – let God talk to us!

  • Trusting God to speak clearly.

  • Poetry or historical narrative?

  • Did God say the days of creation week were ordinary days?

  • Key observations of what Genesis says in chapters 1-11.

2. Genesis 1-11 – Part 2: The Events: Are they real history?

  • Should we take Genesis seriously as history?

  • Understanding the nature of God’s revelation in Genesis.

  • The starlight and the radiometric dating challenges.

  • The fall and the curse of the ground.

  • The great flood of Noah’s day.

  • The tower of Babel and the nations of today.

3.  Genesis 1-11 – Part 3: The Challenges: Are there answers?

  • Quick Review:

    • Starlight and Time

    • Radiometric Dating

    • Tower of Babel and the Nations

  • Nature of Operational vs. Historical Science

  • Biological evolution and genetic entropy.

  • Complex structures – bombardier beetle.

  • Soft tissue in dinosaur bones.

  • Examining the Biblical text genealogies.

  • The Flood and Mt. St. Helens and catastrophic geology.


Bible – Science Overview: Single presentation

“Does Nature Contradict the Bible?”

  • Is Christianity anti-science?

  • Faith of the evolutionist vs. Christian faith.

  • Four Confidence Builders

    1. The Bible – No ordinary book.

    2. The Laws of Thermodynamics

    3. The Laws of Information and Population Genetics

    4. Catastrophic Geology

  • Trust in mankind’s stories or God’s revelation?


Genesis Q & A:  Common challenges and answers in Q & A format.

Series of questions gathered from a church congregation.

  • Compiled and formatted for presentation.

  • Answers and resources to find answers presented.

Best if Biblical context is presented in prior session


Speaker :

Mr. Timothy Eshelman



1. Genesis: A Side Issue?

Why is Creation so important? Why spend so much time in Genesis? Why not just preach Christ and the salvation message? Many today think that science has disproven the Bible. The church by and large has disconnected God’s word from the real world. This lecture shows why Genesis is foundational to real science. The Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God, the history book of the universe so it can be trusted when it touches on each area of science.


2. Creation: The Key to Good Science

Definitions are important to good science. What is science anyway? Is evolution science and creation religion? Can’t we just follow the evidence? This lecture lays the foundation for how to approach this subject. Models are very important to science. When evidence supports a model, the model can often be used to make predictions. Here we define a creation and an evolution model. We will see which model best fits the evidence.


3.In the Beginning Was Information

Is life just a mere concoction of chemicals or is there more to it? Information is an essential part of life, but can information result by chance? We certainly observe adaptation, natural selection, and random mutation but is this evolution? Are these observations compatible with the Bible? This lecture will convince you that evolution is impossible and that an infinite, loving Creator must be the author of life.


4.Mutations are Killing Us

This session takes a closer look at genetics and the mechanisms needed for evolutionary change. Why is natural selection not helpful to evolution? Why do we age? Why do we die? Why are we seeing more instances of cancer, auto-immune diseases, and mental disorders? This evidence effectively disproves one of our models. A powerful numeric modeling tool will be introduced that accurately describes mutation rates. This tool reveals some interesting conclusions when pointing back to Noah and the flood and again when pointing toward the future.


5. Fossils: The Rocks Cry Out

Was there really a global flood? Does the fossil record confirm our evolutionary past? Our earth provides the evidence. A global flood as reported by the Bible provides explanations that secular science cannot. The flood of Noah’s day is responsible for most of our sedimentary layers, the fossil record, continental coal deposits, mass extinctions, the Grand Canyon, the petrified forest and even the ice age. This lecture explains why these things were formed relatively recently and not over millions of years.


6. Courting Long Ages with Radio-Isotope Dating

Is our earth really billions of years old? What about Radio-Isotope and Carbon-14 dating? Recent findings and assumptions made expose why these methods are unreliable. This lecture presents the latest research into these dating techniques and uncovers facts that the scientific community would like to ignore. Every scientific method begins with assumptions and these dating techniques are no exception. Given Biblical assumptions, Carbon-14 turns out to be our friend.


7. Then God Made Two Create Lights … He Made the Stars Also

How do the heavens declare the glory of God? How old can it be? Does the Bible really provide any insight into its mysteries? This talk provides an overview of the subject of astronomy and astrophysics through two different models. We will look at several basic evidences to determine which model best describes what we see. We conclude with confirmation of our conclusions by some prominent secular astronomers. 


8. Taking Back Astronomy – The Starlight Problem

The “starlight and time” problem is a major problem for creation scientists or so it may seem. Unfortunately, most Christians have adopted the big bang theory. This session exposes the many problems with the big bang including a “starlight and time” problem of its own. We discuss in detail one of several major new creationist cosmologies that provide solutions to all of these problems and simultaneously discover interesting observations that affirm scripture give mankind a special place in our universe.


 9. Racism: A Biblical Idea?

Where did all the races come from? Did all people actually descend from a real Adam? Is Christianity a racist religion? This lecture focuses on the real culprit of racism: evolution. Neither the Bible nor the evidence support the concept of primitive ape-men or the superiority of certain races. We are all one blood and our origin results from the scattering at Babel. We discuss the science of genetics and use this tool to explain the physical differences between people groups. 


10. Evolution: Good Science, Bad Science, or Science Fiction?   

This final session takes a hard look at the creation and evolution model to evaluate which model fits the evidence presented in the other sessions. Is it justified to teach exclusively the theory of evolution as fact in today’s schools and museums? Is science as objective as it is made out to be? What fruits does this produce in today’s society? Is it good science, bad science or science fiction? You will easily be able to decide.


Speaker :

Rev. Glen Bayly 


Rev. Glen Bayly speaks on a variety of subjects related to Apologetics and the Creation vs. Evolution debate. Glen  is the radio host of "The Lion's Den University Report." He has met personally with many leaders in the Creation and Intelligent Design Movements and brings a cross-section of the issues in the scientific and education fields. He offers to bring Scriptural messages with an emphasis on first-time or renewed commitments to Christ, the authority of Scripture, and the centrality and power of the person of Jesus Christ. He can be contacted at (570) 452-5000 or



Speaker :

John M. Cimbala, PhD.


Title: Genesis 1-3: The Foundation of Our Christian Faith (The Bible is a

Package Deal!).
Objective: The objective of this talk is to show how Genesis 1-3 sets the

stage for  the rest of the Bible, and is the foundation of our Christian


  •    Why are the first three chapters of Genesis so foundational?

  •    Why is the Bible a package deal (must believe all of it or none of it)?

  •    Ten fundamental theological concepts of our Christian faith, which are     introduced  first in Genesis 1-3, are presented and discussed.


Title: Noah’s Ark and The Flood: Some Q & A.
Objective: To convince you that the Great Flood of Genesis 7-8 was a   

real, historical, global event.        

  •    If the Flood was real, we can explain much of the geological evidence    we see  (strata, fossils, etc.). 

  •    If the Flood was real, we have further evidence and reason to believe      

          that  the Bible is true.


Title: Dinosaurs and the Bible: Some Q & A.
Objective: To help people understand how dinosaurs fit in with the Bible         

and with   earth’s history.

  •    When did dinosaurs live in earth history? (Did dinosaurs and humans     

          live at the  same time?)

  •    Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible?

  •    Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?

  •    When and why did dinosaurs become extinct?


​Title: Why I Believe in Creation, not Evolution: Some Q & A.
Objective: To compare the two most common models of origins, creation 

and  evolution, and why I believe in creation.      

  •    Is creation science scientific?  Is evolution scientific?

  •    Which model agrees better with observations from science and from the  Bible

  •    Did God use evolution as the mechanism of creation?

  •    Have people improved (evolved) or have they gotten worse (devolved)  

          over the  generations?


Title: Biblical and Scientific Evidences for a Young Earth.
Objective: To show both Biblical and scientific evidence that the earth 

cannot be 4.5 billion years old, as evolutionary scientists claim; instead,           the Biblical age of  around 6000 years is more likely.            

  •  The evolutionary old-earth model and the Biblical young earth model are  mutually exclusive.

  •  There are numerous scientific and Biblical reasons to believe in a young  earth.

  •  The days of Genesis 1 cannot be interpreted as long periods of time.  

  •  The top ten evidences of a young earth are presented.


Title: The Human Race from Adam and Eve to Today: Have we Evolved or       


Objective: To show that Adam and Eve were real human beings, the 

ancestors of  all  people, and that we have devolved over time.               
Specifics:  Natural selection is a fact, but mutations lead to degeneration, not improvement. 

  • The ten fundamental laws of nature about information are presented. 

  • The second law of thermodynamics is explained in the context of natural    selection. 

  •  Biblical and scientific principles of devolution are presented.


Title: Full Circle: A Christian Engineering Professor’s Story

Objective: To share my spiritual journey, in which the creation/evolution      

controversy played a significant role

Specifics:  This talk is about my spiritual journey, which has been a Full Circle: Believing, Questioning, Unbelieving, Understanding, and  finally Believing and Sharing.  I was raised in a Christian home (Believing), but in high school I began to doubt the authority of the Bible (Questioning)  Eventually I rejected Christianity and God, convinced that humans are mere accidents that had descended from lower creatures. My college years were spent as an agnostic (Unbelieving). By the grace of  God. however, I was exposed to scientific evidences for a Creator. After    

much study, I became convinced that the theory of evolution cannot explain the scientific data, which are better explained by creation a global  flood (Understanding). Once I accepted the fact that there is a Creator  God, I was willing to accept His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. I became  a follower of Jesus Christ during my first year of graduate school at Caltech.  Since then I have been devoted to studying His Word and sharing my faith  (Believing  and Sharing). 







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